Sunday, August 26, 2007

Milk & More

I forgot to mention that Jessica learned 2 "signs" in the past week. We have been trying to be consistent in using some basic signs since she was about 6 months old, mostly from the "My First Signs" Baby Einstein DVD.

On our last day in Wisconsin I was about to nurse her and asked if she wanted "milk" and she signed it!! Russ and I looked at each other with amazement (and thought it was just a coincidence) but she did it again and has been signing "milk" ever since!

Earlier this week while Jess was eating dinner (I think she was having toast at the time) she pointed at the plate with the bread and signed "more". She is actually getting very good at signing "more" anytime and everytime she wants something - she usually points to what she wants, says her version of "more" then signs it. I'll have to see if I can figure out a way to post the video we took of her.

That's it for now! I'll be sure to keep you updated if anything else comes far she's still not walking (which is probably a good thing!!) =)


Anonymous said...

How amazing is that?! She'll be talking up a storm before long... she obviously has the desire to communicate! :D

Kataroo said...

Wow that is amazing!! She is so smart, and cute.

Mellisa said...

I love that people teach their kidlets to sign. Its a great way for them to have a voice when they are young and cant form the words.
I see you went to archivers ... how amazing was THAT? lol


PS - why cant I find you on facebook? I read somewhere you were there. *was it here?*

Rachel said...

That is amazing love!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's been too long I had the chance to come over here and check out the missy's progress! She's getting so big and so cute! You look like you had a very good time this summer. :)

Take care and update that blog soon so we can see some bday party pictures! :)