Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Nappy Time

Haven't done a layout in a while...here's one I managed to finish last week - pictures I've been meaning to scrap for a couple months now. OMG she was sooo little then!! =)

Monday, March 26, 2007


Jess has been saying "Ma-Ma" a lot lately...it started on the car ride home from Florida - she would start getting fussy, say "ma-ma-ma-ma" and look over her shoulder at me. It's probably just baby talk and we don't think she's really calling for me (although I'd like to think she is) =) but it's still pretty cute and I love it! She always seems to say it when she needs something... milk, nap time or even just a change of scenery. Nevertheless, Russ is now calling Jessica "Mama's girl". =)

On Sunday morning we started feeding Jessica solids!! She hasn't taken much of the rice cereal we're starting her on, but it's a pretty exciting step for her (and us). So far it's just been messy, but a lot of fun.

Since Jessica now has 2 visible teeth we've also started the routine of brushing her teeth twice a day. Of course, our little independent girl quickly decided she'd like to do it herself!

And here's a picture of Jess' favourite thing right now...the Jolly Jumper!! We put her in it for the first time when we got home from Florida. She was a little confused at first, just moving her feet around like she was dancing. But as soon as she got the hang of it, she squealed with delight. Now she can bounce and bounce and bounce for hours on end (ok, maybe not hours, but she has stayed in it for 30 minutes perfectly content!!)

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Our own Cover Girl

Can't help but show off these photos of Jess taken since we've been home. I think we have a little model on our hands as she always seeems to pose with a smile as soon as she sees the camera!! In the first one, you can see one of her bottom teeth...and if you look really closely at the last one (taken just yesterday) you can see them both!!

Her latest obsession is TAGS - the tags on her toys, her blanket, any tag she can get her hands on and in her mouth! The colourful caterpillar in this photo has so many things for her to play with - a squeaking bird, rattling butterflies and different kinds of music - but of course, she spent most of her time playing with the tag. Go figure.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Celebrating 6 months!

Well she will actually be 6 1/2 months on Monday but we did celebrate her 6 month birthday in Florida on March 12th. This photo, on the other hand, was actually taken just before we left. She doesn't seem that much bigger from her last but we had her 6 month appointment on Wednesday and she is up to 16 lbs and 26.5 inches long!! Growing well and very healthy. Yay Jess!

The perfect holiday

What a great vacation to Florida - Jessica was an ANGEL!! We were pleasantly surprised at how good she was, especially considering it took us about 21 hours of driving over 2 days to get to Ormond Beach. Not to mention the fact that she was sleeping in hotel rooms and a strange room for 9 nights! In the car she sucked her thumb to sleep when she was tired, played when she was awake and we stopped to feed her every 4 hours or so. Sometimes she got lonely but soon realized she just had to look over her shoulder for reassurance that we were close by.

The house we rented for the week was perfect...just 9 houses from the beach! I just love these photos of Russ & Jess during one of our walks with her in the Baby Bjorn.

We spent 3 days at the Motocross track (of course), which was a lot of fun for Russ & I. Again, Jessica was surprisingly very good - the noise didn't bother her one bit (at one time, she actually fell asleep in my arms despite all the revving of dirt bikes)! She spent most of her time either in the exersaucer or her playpen having a grand ol' time.

There was one day it actually rained in the morning - but as soon as it cleared up we went for a short walk to the pier on Flagler Beach. There were so many pelicans just hanging out! And of course, we had to take a self-portrait! =)

Jessica also discovered a favourite new "toy" while we were away...(yes, a water bottle!!)

And during the many, many hours spent in her car seat, Jess also discovered how much she loves playing with (and sucking on) her feet!!

On our last night away in a Red Roof Inn in Lexington, Kentucky, Russ & I also found out that Jessica actually sleeps on her tummy! At home she sleeps in her own room and we always put her to bed on her back. When she wakes up in the morning she's usually on her tummy but we always assumed she rolled over just when she woke up. So imagine our surprise when we saw her sucking her thumb and sleeping in this position at the hotel. It was way too cute to pass up taking a picture!!

That's pretty much it - it was hard to leave the warm weather and relaxing days but like all vacations, it had to come to an end. I think we're definitely going to go back next year, which will be more challenging with Jess walking around, but tons of fun!!

Here's one of my fave photos from the trip of her:

Thanks for stopping by!! =)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Tooth #2

Jess was biting down on my finger today when I noticed her second tooth (bottom left) has come in! I've been trying to take a picture of her cute pearly white(s) but everytime I hold down her lower lip she sticks her tongue out! Oh well...

Here are some photos of Jessica in her new exersaucer Jeep, which Brad and Karen kindly handed down to us. She's only had a bit of time in it, but seems to love it! We'll be taking it to Florida so we can keep her occupied for (hopefully) hours on end!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lots of things to report!

It's hard to keep up with our little girl - Jessica has so many new tricks under her belt. Here are some updates from the past couple weeks:

1) As I already mentioned, Jessica cut her first tooth - now we can actually see the little white thing! And when she gets your finger in her mouth she has a pretty strong bite! (Luckily she has decided NOT to bite down while nursing)

2) On Saturday, Feb 24th Jessica started with real baby-talk...ba-ba-ba...it's sooo cute!! I'm still waiting for mama or dada to come though!

3) She has mastered her ability to roll over - we can no longer just leave her lying around or she ends up rolling across the room (kinda)! This has definitely allowed her to enjoy tummy time more though, as she used to whine with frustration whenever we would place her on her tummy.

4) Jess loves hanging on to her feet - especially while we're changing her (which actually helps with the cleaning part, but makes putting on her diaper more challenging!).

5) Speaking of diapers, she's up another size!! She's into the size 3s already - my, how fast she's growing!!

6) She reaches for EVERYTHING and of course, everything goes in her mouth! Here are some photos from a visit with Baba and Christine a few weekends ago. Maybe she's ready for her sippy cup?!

7) Last Wednesday, Feb 28th while I was teaching BodyPump Russ put her to bed for the first time with a bottle of formula no problem. I was happy but sad at the same time - it's hard to imagine one day she will no longer need me and my boobs. =)

8) She's on a growth spurt - ever since last Thursday she's been getting up in the wee hours of the morning for a full 45 minute feed!! Her 3 month growth spurt lasted 5 days, so I'm hoping this one has come to an end (she woke up last night at 5 am but put herself back to sleep)....I'm exhausted!!

9) March 1st was Dad/Grandpapa's birthday - Mom & Dad came to visit Jess as they just returned from a 3 week vacation in the Philippines & Vietnam. Because of the big snow/freezing rain storm, we celebrated on Sunday instead for lunch. Jessica's birthday gift to Grandpapa was a frame with these photos in it. It was a fun little photo shoot for us!

10) Jess' most recent trick is her bobble head - when she's lying on the floor she kicks her legs and bobbles her head from side to side. It's one of the funniest things ever!

11) We're off to Florida early Saturday morning (on my 31st!! birthday) - we're driving most of Saturday and hoping to reach TN for our overnight stay. Wish us luck...we're hoping Jessica is a good back seat traveller!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

More layouts of Jessica

It's been a busy couple of weeks - I've been able to get some pages done....just need to find more time to post some updates here! Jess is just waking up from her morning nap now, so hopefully I'll be back later on today... =)