Saturday, June 23, 2007

Lots of photos!

I know it's been a really long time since I posted here...things have been extremely busy lately. I promise to post a real update asap. In the meantime, I thought I would just post a whole lot of photos from the past few weeks...enjoy!!! =)

Here is a close-up of Jessica eating a "cookie" (Mum-Mum) - it is pretty amazing how quickly she polishes one off...she just loves it!

Jess just loves feeding herself Gerber puffs...for a while this was her routine: 1) pick up a puff and look at it; 2) put the puff in her mouth; 3) clap or raise her hands "hooray!" She was so proud of herself!!

Here are a few from Father's Day with Grandpapa. She really enjoyed playing in the hammock in the backyard!

And oh, how Jess LOVES Beeker (Grandpa George & Grandma Tilly's 17-year old cat) - this was taken the day before Father's Day at George's annual birthday/Father's Day golf tournament. She was very gentle when petting Beeker (for the most part) and was in total awe of her new furry friend.

I LOVE these ones of Jess playing with her stuffed animals...and yes, she got ALL of these as gifts!!

That's it for now...I promise to be back again soon!! =)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

As promised....

...Jessica's 9 month photos. I couldn't decide which one I liked best so I'm posting them all! =)

As for updates, Jess is doing much of the same, just better. She pulls herself up to standing much faster now, and will use anything and everything as leverage (including me). She's still scooting along but often taking a couple "crawls" on her hands and knees, but soon remembers she's much quicker dragging herself across the floor. She definitely loves to explore - which is why I have to keep a close eye (and hand) on her when she plays.

We also started to give her "Mum-Mum"s, which are melt-in-your-mouth, extremely bland tasting rice rusks. Jess loves them! I think she likes the fact that she can eat independently. I have to admit, it's pretty cute watching her eat her "cookie" (as we like to call it). This is hopefully the start of self-feeding and finger foods.

On a more frustrating note, she hates fruit!! Which is very weird because Russ & I are fruit lovers! I try to make a 1:5 ratio of fruit:cereal to "mask" the taste but somehow she notices - she'll push the spoon away but as soon as I offer plain cereal, she eats away (like 5+ tablespoons!). I'm not sure what I'm going to do - the only fruits she'll eat are prunes and avocado. I've tried bananas, apples, pears and peaches....nope, nope, nope and nope. I read somewhere to give it a few weeks and eventually her taste buds will mature. Keep your fingers crossed - I'm sure there's only so much peas, zucchini, carrots, squash and yams a girl can eat! =)

That's about it - I've been home alone with Jess since Wednesday morning because Russ is in Montreal for work until tomorrow night. This is the longest he'll be away from Jess since she was born. I have to admit, it's pretty lonely without him and we miss him dearly. We really are spoiled that he works from home. Thank goodness Jess has been a very good girl to Mommy while Daddy is away. Not that I expected anything less..... =)


I got an email from Simple Scrapbooks magazine yesterday requesting one of my layouts for the November/December issue! I decided to submit a few layouts last month (it's been a while since I've done so) and I'm so happy I did! YAY ME!!!

Anyway, here are some layouts I've done over the past few weeks: (wow, just uploading all of these made me realize how much I've been scrapping lately!) =)

Jess' album is overflowing with pages now...I need to get more albums and page protectors! Anybody have suggestions as to where I can find binder-type 8 1/2 x 11 albums? I am struggling to find them! Thanks.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Jessica!!

Today our sweet little girl is 9 months old. Does anyone out there know how to slow down the time??? She is growing up way too fast!

I just wanted to make a quick post to celebrate Jessica's 9 month birthday - I will do my best to post some pics tomorrow.

Bye for now =)

Monday, June 11, 2007

"Record Baby"

Jessica had her 9-month doctor's appointment today and passed with flying colours! The doctor actually said she was a "record baby" because she didn't cry or fuss the entire time. Of course, she babbled, yelled and smiled a lot but other than that, she was perfect! Maybe it was because she knew this one was a needle-free visit. =)

She is perfectly healthy, weighing in at 18 lbs 10 oz (50th percentile for her age) and measuring a tall 73.5 cm/28.9 inches (90th percentile) - the doctor actually said she looks more like a 1 year old based on her height (other moms have told me that too!) Jess has also reached all her age-related milestones. Way to go princess!

Here are some photos from the past couple weeks:

Friday, June 1, 2007

More PINK layouts!!

Sorry for the not-so-great photos of these layouts...I promise they look better IRL!! =)